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"[Loud Fridge Theatre Groups] debut production is...both provocative and well-produced."

-San Diego Story

"An intriguing and tightly-written show, deftly executed by the three actors. "

-Stage and Cinema

" Arielle Siler is ebullient and nurturing as Emily"

-Times of San Diego

"For a first production, Straight is surprisingly sophisticated."

-San Diego Story

"A coup for [Loud] Fridge’s debut production"

-Stage and Cinema

" The way these three play cat-and-mouse, and the way it all ends up, keeps the audience intrigued for 80 minutes—and beyond."

-Times of San Diego

" A “directing co-opt” consisting of Kate Rose Reynolds, Andréa Agosto and [Leigh Akin] helped the actors find a good deal of emotional honesty to play with... "

-San Diego Story

" This production makes for an impressive and auspicious beginning for a new theater company"

-Times of San Diego

" The three performers deftly bring shading and nuance to their characters,"

-Times of San Diego

"Surprisingly good technical aspects."

-San Diego Story

"Wells earns credit for keeping Ben accessible and worthy of empathy"

-Stage and Cinema

" Bryce Gerson is pitch-perfect in the role. He’s boyish and buff, and his insouciance has just the right edge of needling humor."

-Times of San Diego

"Each actor presents a believable character, and the three interact naturally and with both humor and pathos;"

-San Diego Story

" A captivating evening that is bound to have you talking afterward — with either of your mates."

-Stage and Cinema

" [Loud Fridge Theatre Groups production] adds a frisson of racial politics on top of the gender politics already confronted in the piece, "

-Times of San Diego

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